Anuire Circa 1577 , 77 years game time

Anuire Circa 1577...Two great sides have spread their influence in the continent on the west while the East is majorly occupied under the iron boot of Gavin Tael. Anuire is on fire and will bleed to come around.

On the far west side of the former Anuirean Empire the vast military kingdom of Boeruine is expanding its borders under a heavy military campaign unlinke any other to the south towards Taeghas and Brosengae in order to reach the gates of the Imperial City. The Archduke of Boeruine during this time of turmoil is leading his vast and fast growing army towards the doorstep of his enemies.

On the Heartlands the growing economic and political power of Kendar Kalien son of the former guildier of Heartlands Outfitters has given him a strong grip over the nations in the center of Anuire. Archduke Kendar Kalien now harboring the support of Prince Darien Avan II forged a coalition of states in the heartlands under the unsleeping eyes of the church of the One God, an alias for Haelyn after the last ecumenical council of the leaders of Faith in the Great Cathedral of the city of Endier. There the archbishops of Haelyn desiced to forge a faith that would strongly support the peace in union in Anuire, shed light in external corruption and fight a crusade against internal corruption, a result of this council was the clergy of Cuiraecen and Nesirie to be embeded in the faith of Haelyn as lesser icons of faith to the powers of the One God. Depsite the fact that the change was immense the internal war that was tearing apart Anuire around from 1550 to 1560 made most rulers to accept the fact of this union and make a solemn peace that would benefit all Anuireans. Kendar Kalien took advantage of this and with the strong support of the church and the great economical resources that the coffers of his great enterprise held for him forged this coalition to his great benefit leading him to the stairs of the Imperial Cairn. The Heartlands have a new ruler even if still torn apart the time for the crowning of the new Anuirean Emperor may be close at hand.

On the Eastern side of the former glorious empire the third power player in this game of Shadows is the Baron of Ghoere, with its new borders expanding towards the east Ghoere is now the greatest monarchy in all Anuire at the time beeing but probably the most fragile one. The Iron Baron turned its back to the spiritual union uninterested or concerned to the fact of this union, and instead kept the schism of faiths alive in his domain recognizing Cuiraecen as a sole deity besides Haelyn and respecting both as much. Gavin Tael not concerned with peace or economical prosperity is looking forward to reach the far edge of the Anuire sovereign in order to make it his own and carve an empire out of blood and conquest. Gavin Tael is old and wise as a ruler and the he can see the power of the wizards surrounding him, his goal with that of his most close ally the powerful Sword Mage may come to colide when they reach the end of their conquest. This remains to be seen. The powerful Iron Guard is the strongest weapon in Tael's arsenal that on command will tear down any enemy in its path. Vassals and allies fear the Iron Baron and know that cannot rest in peace.


  1. εχουμε και αλλες αλλαγες στα συνορα αναμενεται νεος χαρτης

  2. Ως που να προλάβουν οι χαρτογράφοι να φτιάξουν τον χάρτη, τα σύνορα έχουν αλλάξει!!!

  3. xaxaxaxaax, αλλαζουν με γεωμετρικη προοδο, τοσο γρηγορα......χααχχχχχααχαχχαχαχαχχα

  4. Μια μικρη επεξηγηση δεν θα ηταν κακη στο χαρτη πιστευω, ας κανω μια προσθηκη

  5. Eμένα πάντως βαγγέλη μου αρέσει αυτό υο πράσινο που είναι μόνο του.Η ελβετία,χαχαχαχαχα

  6. ειναι μονο του και ειναι καλο θα κανουμε και αλλα τετοια πρασινα
    οασεις πολιτισμου και αγαπης

  7. ναι,να φοράμε κορδέλες και λουλούδια στα μαλλιά και να τραγουδάμε "give peace a chance"!!
    Tι λές Βασίλη παιδί μου?Βγήκες στον ήλιο και σε βάρεσε η ζέστη?


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