Dylana Krinston

Little of maybe a few things are known for the Holy Knight of Haelyn. Lady Dylana Krinston was a small girl when the warring forces of Avanil and Boeruine took war in the lands of Taeghas. She did face the death of her family and was forced to flee her home with a group of refuges to the south of Taeghas. There as it was common the group of children (orphans at the time) where gathered by the Holy Church of Haelyn and given ground and shelter within the Temples. Dylana heard the calling of the Father when she was still five years old. Her life and he life of the abbot changed when the little girl could commune with Haelyn. As she grew older she took the mantle of the cloth as a fellow novice but her eagerness never let her go past her military training and while the war was over she was called to serve at Stormpoint under the Arch-Bishop Noread Isear. There Dylana took her spiritual training guided under the Arch-Bishop. Her mind, soul and body was devoted to Haelyn and his Grace the Arch-Bishop, she swore fealty to Lord Khorien and was sworn to protect his lands from all threats, she was given the rank of Knight Templar within the powers of the Temple of Haelyn and the freedom to call upon the armies when needed to defend the land.
