Eline, Coeranys and the Lion of the East

Geographically, Elinie, is a domain of the Heartlands, but culturally it shares more with the Eastern Marches. Resolute and indomitable, rough and tumble, and somewhat lawless, Elinie stands next to three hostile domains, including a puppet of the Gorgon. However many in Anuire found that the thought of living under the rule of a Khinasi, a fearsome prospect. Though the Daouta family had ruled this kingdom for hundreds of years, those who live outside Elinie feared the Khinasi influence has corrupted its citizens. This prejudice has caused Elinie's population to remain fairly constant, while nearby domains continued to grow. It was this weakness and this propaganda that made the Iron Baron launch his second campaign of expansionism against the lands of Elinie. Merely disogragnized with a huge patriotic ego the people under the banner of the Daoutas. 700 years of ruling Elinie, was not enough for the Daouta family to prepare for what was coming, the fury of Ghoere was unleashed with both mundane and magical means. The great five year campaign was enough to take most of Daouta's influence out of Eline and drive it more to the east where it would look for new allies. Lord Lorren Copperhead achieved great victories against the sons and daughters of Assan Ibn Daouta.

All the family besides Kalilah bint Daouta who was saved was put to the sword.

  Kalilah managed to make some counter against the encroaching forces of Ghoere. It was circa 1542HC that a mercenary from the south named Dari came to Elinie and met Kalilah during the war. They both helped each other since they seemed to share a common enemy and love was not so late to come. War was the reason that tore them apart also. Dari had to leave again to the south in order to fight Ghoere at another front while she was left to continue her war. Both with a common enemy both with a common goal. Circa 1544HC Dari fell to treason from Lord Ridraen, later commander of Osoerde and Knight of the Iron guard and during that time Lord Copperhead was already winning the squables of Elinien forces driving them off the river Maesil towards the plains of Coeranys. There Kalilah seeked shelter, seeking help from the lords of Coeranys to house the remnants of her followers and the seed of her love. Raenwe ibn Daouta, raised in the grasslands of Coeranys versed in the wildlife and taught the way of the wind and freedom from his early years. Raenwe served in the famed Landrunners of the East, the "rangers/marshalls" of Coeranys that supervised the lands and kept people safe from the surrounding dangers. During 1572HC time had come for Coeranys to come upon the sword of Tael. With the civil war raging on the west it was like taking candy from a child for Tael who invaded with a huge mercenary force and raze Coeranys to the ground, the local lords rushed to make treaties and ensure their freedom and property while they offered Coeranys to the vultures of Ghoere, Lord Shaer Copperhead is the  Lord of the Iron Guard that lead the attack towards Coeranys and he shares his fathers ambition and cruelty. During 1577HC while the sole survivor of Ghoere menace was the city of Ruorven. While under siege the city was burned to the ground resulting in the great destruction of it and the death of hundreds. What Lord Lorren Copperhead did not manage to achieve was made by his son when he managed to ambush the already old Kalilah bint Daouta and put her to the sword while her son escaped with his life.Aafter the death of his mother Raenwe returned to Elinie and witnessed the destruction at hand, taking the lead of the remnats of survivors of the war, although at that time the destruction of Ruorven was another event he had to face. Now with no actuall army and with the total of Coeranys almost razed to the ground he has to stand against his adversary and either build a new Kingdom or perish in the effort. While time has passed Raenwe has grown a full man and while he managed to win several crucial victories against his enemies he has managed to recreate the legend the people of the plains speak about. Now seen as the Lion of the East, Raenwe strikes terror in the hearts of men.


  1. δυσκολα μου φαινονται τα πραγματα και φοβαμαι μην τα κανω χειροτερα
    αλλα βλεπω εχει πολυ δουλεια ακομα η "επανασταση"

  2. Μην αγχώνεσαι. Η δύναμη του δημοσίου υπαλλήλου είναι μαζί σου. Με μια καλή συμβασούλα....


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