Evil Unleashed

There were three people that helped Lord Loren Copperhead in his struggle to conquer the lands of Elinie, one of them was a personal apprentice to the Sword Mage, Salomin. With origin from the far east the mage did its best to solidify his place amongst the Black Dogs and claim his apprenticeship to the reclusive mage. Many are told on his dark soul and those few who have survived his fury claim that it was only by a chance of shrewd luck. Salomin safeguards the sources of Elinie for the Sword Mage and his task is to maintain the "darkness" within the conquered domain. Salomin's main adversary at this moment seems to be the old wizard of Osoerde which her identity also remains a mystery to the very day and Salomin seems to be actively seeking to end her miserable existence. Salomin will surely stop at nothing and have no moral qualms about life or death or even power and its acquisition. The Sword Mage favors his lieutenant with power beyond measure and both have a strong faith in each other.


  1. αντε να ιδουμε και τους αλλους δυο λεβεντες


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