Atlas of Anuire and Timeline


Following our beta release on the latest Rulebook with the converted rules for the (trademarked) Birthright Campaign Setting we have set our minds towards the task of completing the Companion to the Rulebook which will give greater depth to the skill system and explain all the verge at which the skills can be used. During that time and amongst friend talk the need for a campaign sourcebook has arisen, one that will depict the way Anuire has been shaped during the past 80 years of our campaigning. We are looking forward to start working this and go public with the major changes that have happened at Anuire.
During our campaign time we have worked mainly most of the major events that have taken place amongst the realms of Anuire. Unfortunately be it lack of people and time we have not have had the chance to start any long term campaign on any other part of Cerilia, thus we are very very interested to see works of people who have actually role played out as regents, adventurers or on any other role to start filling in gaps in a campaign line that we could embrace and use it in our game. Hope to hear from you soon. 
