During the ages before the clash of Mount Deismaar the goblins were one of the first tribes created in Cerilia in between Dwarves, Elves. Although little is known of the Goblin "ecology" or ancient history.The goblinfolk of Cerilia are widely spread throughout the various terrains of the continent. It is thought that they were originally the inhabitants of hills and highlands - the forests being occupied by the elves and the mountains by the dwarves. They were introduced to forest living during their period of enslavement by the elves during the elvish golden age. The Elves cunnier and wielders of true power were able to dominate the less intellignet and less social able creatures. Elves dominated the race of the Goblins for aeos and the goblins were plunged into utter control of the stronger and oppresive Elves. The Goblins were able to break free from the Elves domination as the elvish realm slipped further into decadence (theory: and warfare?). The goblin culture that developed after enslavement is likely to bear little resemblance to the one the preceded it. The new goblin culture would be survival oriented, and defence (to avoid future enslavement) focused. The ability to enslave other creatures would also become an important indicator of success. New goblin culture would also have, as its emphasis, collective security at the expense of family ties; task associations are more important to goblins than family - this is reinforced by the fact that goblin offspring can be any one of the three types. Fortunately for the rest of the world, Goblins are as fractious as they are violent, driven by chaotic urges and consuming greed that prevent them from developing the social structure of more advanced races.
We can divide the Goblin sub races into 'low goblins' who are workers, common soldiers, and crafters, high goblins' who are soldiers, magic-users and priests, and 'great goblins' who are almost exclusively involved in warfare-related tasks.
Low goblins are generally equal to 4 to 4 and a half feet tall and weigh 75 to 90 pounds. Its eyes are usually dull and glazed, varying in color from red to yellow. A goblin’s skin color ranges from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red, they make up about 50% of the goblin tribes;
High goblins are roughly equal to 5 and 5 and a half feet tall and weigh 90 to 130 pounds, and account for about 30% of the population; Hair color ranges from dark reddish-brown to dark gray. They have dark orange or red-orange skin. Their’ eyes are yellowish or dark brown, while their teeth are yellow
Great goblins are equivalent to to 5 and a half to 6 and a half feet tall and make up about 20% of the tribes. Pound for pound, muscle for muscle, they are stronger, sneakier and far more unpredictable than their other goblinoid cousins. They are brutal guerrillas that strike fast and fade away, bursting on the scene to wreak terrible havoc before vanishing. Elite Goblins are cunning adversaries, creatures that rarely fight to the death, preferring to flee from a lost battle in order to nurse their vengeance for another day. Usually hairless or with few hair strang from their head they are ferocious green or brown skinned "giants" for their race that are most of the times the leaders of their packs.
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